He won't walk back to the cage area with the groomer, he sets his feet and you have to drag him to get him to move. No one drags my boy . . . so I have to take him back to the cage area, then we both have to push his butt into the cage. I exit fast, because he looks so sad and forlorn in that cage!
Here's his before shot, really shaggy with a good doggy funk going on:
And now after, all clean and sweet smelling, foofy as we call it. . .
Oh how handsome he is. But, I don't think any dog likes to be left at the groomer. Frosty acts like I'm totally abandoning him and he's gone to the same groomer since he was a tiny puppy.
We go through the same ritual at the vet and my boys are about Caleb's size, LOL
Oh, how handsome and foofy! I love taking Caleb to the groomer. It's been a long time though, usually I just do him (back breakingly) in the tub, but it's not the same cuz I don't spray him with fancy smelling things, and I don't dry him for that extra fluffy look.
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